Tel Aviv


Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is a middle eastern city, a wonderful combination of old and new.  I arrived at 3 am and picked up a car at the airport.  As I drove into town, I couldn’t help notice that the streets were jammed.  Clubs were hopping, sidewalk cafes were full.  Wow, this place rocks, all night.  I found out later that I had arrived on the city’s “White Night.” That’s when the denizens of Tel Aviv stay out all night, party, attend concerts at sunrise, and generally have a wonderful time. It happens once a year.

I’m staying in the Yafo area of Tel Aviv — Its an older section, with apartments over stores, bodegas and juice bars everywhere.  Small businesses are the rule here.  And they thrive. Its impossible to go anywhere, any time, without working through crowds of people.

yafo street

Contrary to what I had been told, the Israelies are very friendly and want to help. Everyone speaks English, and if you need directions, just stop a person and ask. They welcome you and are there to do what they can to make your stay enjoyable.

Here is Rothchild Boulevard — in one of the more trendy areas.  Apartments sell here for over a million.

modern street

The Food is wonderful — I’ll never stave in this city


Just kidding — no Big Mac for Me — Here is lunch with Meta Rosenberg, Marketing Director for HTS:

llunch with mega

That’s an entire leg of lamb, so tender it falls off the bone, a sort of stew with sausage, and fifteen dishes of wonderful middle eastern origin. I could learn to love this place.

Meta told me about emigrating from Canada — she visited Israel, fell in love with it, and never went back. “The people can be a tad abrupt,” she said. “But I like that, you always know where you stand.”  More about Meta and her company later.

This is a city that revels in its cafes, street scene, and commercial activity. Here is a club across the street from where I am staying:

club across the street

And there are beaches., Its no wonder Israelies are so tanned:


How’s this for a nice beach house.

Nice house

I had dinner with my friend Amit Kadem, CEO of Central Park, a small but upmarket parking operator here in Tel Aviv.  His company, he says, is based on things he learned at PIE. He spoke a lot about “Dennis and Larry” and how their presentations stayed with him. A cameo of Amit coming.

Gotta run, parking stuff to do



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. as always it was great meeting you.
    i hope you’re visit to israel will become a habit.

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