The IPI in Phoenix


The IPI in Phoenix

Its hot here.  over 103 or so every day.  People laugh and say ‘its a dry heat’ but its still hot. We dropped by the exhibit hall yesterday and set up our booth.  Thanks to Eric, it has a new, snappy, look.

There wasn’t much more to see,  Local contractors were everywhere setting up the larger exhibits, the rest of the exhibitors will be on site today getting ready for the show opening tomorrow.  We will go over later today and check the place out and I’ll have more pictures tonight.

I read through the program and it seems that there are about 40 formal seminars for attendees.  The organizers seems to have taken the ‘presidential’ approach toward sustainability and that means they talked a bit about it early on, but have sort of let it go by the wayside, at least in the program.  Good move, it seems to me.  People are worried about how to keep the numbers up and keep their jobs.  The investment in sustainability can come later.

The front person for the Volt from GM is speaking tomorrow AM — I’m looking forward to what she has to say.  There are two exhibit sessions tomorrow — 10-1:30 and 4-6.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. John,
    I was the chair of the IPI Conference Education Committee this year.
    We had over 80 submittals that were independantly evaluated and scored by 12 IPI members. Based on the scoring we had conference calls to evaluate the top scoring sessions and the speakers before deciding on those that were fianlly selected.

    It is never easy, we could only work with what was submitted and since there has not been a tremendous change in the sustainability movement – no dramatic new technologies or great ideas that have not been discussed before – the number of submissions along those lines was quite small.
    We also tried to include all segments of the industry (airport specific topics are not common for example) so as to appeal to a broad audience.
    I hope we succeded.
    And I wish to again thank those that were on the committee.

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