Don Shoup and I have been talking for years about how zoning parking requirements destroy downtown development. Well, even though we should believe Dr. Shoup and his research, here’s an article that goes a long way to confirm the thesis.
The Kalamazoo, MI, city planners have set up a downtown district where developers can build without having to meet the city’s stringent parking requirements. What they discovered is that although development is booming downtown, areas right across the street from district are lying fallow. They are now about to expand the district to attract more development in the area around the core of the city.
Its only logical. Developers aren’t stupid. They are going to build their buildings and renovate older ones where they have less restriction AND where the parking requirements are reasonable. They know that their building will not be attractive is there isn’t enough parking, but the civic planners usually place requirements that go far beyond the needs of the development. This is costly and often stops the project.
Way to go Kalamazoo