The Boys of Summer in DC


The Boys of Summer in DC

Our National Sport is causing all sorts of parking havoc in DC. Read about it here.

As usual, the bureaucrats, politicians, and the local residents all have plans, and none of them solve the problem. To wit…

Sports fans attending the game at RFK Stadium park for free on the streets on game days thus taking all the space from the locals. The City enforces game day parking and ticket the wrong people. And then all hell breaks loose.

Hows this for a plan? Let the free market work. Charge $12 to park longer than two hours on street in the area on game days — That’s more than parking in the stadium. Make the tickets for overstaying your limit $50., Take all the money collected, tickets and parking and build a park, or put in new street lights, or repave. Send a notice to all residents listing game days. So, they have to move their cars once. Big deal.

Set up a permit program for say $20 a month and let those that don’t want to move their cars, pay.

The money coming in will more than compensate them and make their neighborhood better. Let all those rich folks from Maryland and Virginia coming to the game pay for the upkeep of the neighborhood.

My guess is that if the parking money goes into local infrastructure, streets, trees, cops, etc, rather than the general fund, that the locals will sign up for this plan in a heartbeat.

Why shouldn’t residents be able to charge to park cars on their lawns?

Why should a resident have the unlimited right to park on the streets in front of their homes?

The chances of this happening is something close to finding an honest politician within five miles of RFK.

Play Ball!!!!


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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