“We encourage them to above and beyond their class work anyway, if you just do your class work we don’t feel you’re as prepared as you could be when you hit the workforce,” Terry Griffin, computer science associate professor said. (emphasis mine)
Granted this is a computer geek talking, but doesn’t he understand just how stupid this sounds.
The story was about Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, and how some engineering students were using AI and other techniques to develop and app that could predict which lots had spaces available any particular time and then let students know where they should be parking.
The project too four years and the professors were proud of their students and the result. As we see from the first graph above, this wasn’t a part of normal classwork but something the students did in their spare time. Fair Enough.
However, if the teachers acknowledge that what the students learn in normal class work doesn’t prepare you for entering the work force, don’t they think some adjustment to the curriculum might be in order?