Two Decades and Going Strong


Two Decades and Going Strong

As we begin 2016 I am honored and gratified to have been at the helm of Parking Today since its inception in 1996. The two decades have been challenging, but also rewarding, not necessarily financially, but in the depth of the friendships that we have developed with our customers and readers of the years.
We started our first year printing every other month, then grew to 10 times a year, then every month and never looked back. This would have been impossible without the support of the industry, both consumers and vendors.
When you sit in an office and create content, often out of whole cloth, you forget what an impact you can have. I began to realize that people actually read our stuff when one advertisers told me that he knew when PT was on the streets. His phone began to ring. Another event was when a major error crept into our pages, and I was called about it 10 minutes after our on line edition went up, before the print edition was on the press. I was able to make the correction and all was well.
Creating a magazine every month is the best job there is. We can have one that is suitable for lining a bird cage one month, and win a Pulitzer the next. We can start over every month. If we blow it, we can fix it.
Throughout the next year I will be reminiscing here about some of the good, bad, and ugly events that have combined to make us who we are. I look forward to another two decades sharing the news and information that our industry has to offer.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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