UK Parking Dispute Goes R-Rated


UK Parking Dispute Goes R-Rated

It shouldn’t surprise me how far people are willing to go to address their parking issues. It shouldn’t, but it often does. There are the people who make fake handicapped placards, people who create fake parking spots, people who “lose” parking garage tickets in hopes of a free exit, and even people who claim public parking spots for private use (with the help of traffic cones, custom-painted sidewalks, and official-looking signage). According to, the latest in creative, but evil parking behavior, has taken an off-color turn.

Somebody in Penryn, UK, got so fed up with parking congestion at a free lot near his/her house that he/she supplied a sign imposing a parking ban in the area. The offending party piled insult onto injury by including an info number on the sign that connects callers to a phone sex line.

But when confused drivers called to check why the sudden ban had been introduced – they were shocked when a kinky voice answered the phone.

I’ll admit, this story gave me a good laugh, even though I know it was probably not at all funny to the parkers who got an earful of pillow talk – or worse. It just goes to show that people go crazy about parking. Penryn leadership have released a warning that the number on the sign is falsified, and definitely not toll free.

The Facebook post says: “Please be advised that a sign purporting to be from the ‘Penryn Car Parking Association’ forbidding parking which is posted on a garden fence which borders Permarin car park has not been authorised by either Penryn Town Council nor Cornwall Council.

I can’t imagine why a warning needed to be issued if the sign was going to be removed immediately, but the article does not clarify on that count.

Click here to read the article.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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