It wouldn’t be college without some parking issues – learning to deal with adversity is an important part of being an adult. Students at Missouri State University are having a hard time finding parking, in part because of the loss of 500 spaces to construction projects, reports the university’s newspaper The Standard.
University parking authorities say there is plenty of parking in two outlying lots, but acknowledge those lots are not the most desirable.
“There’s parking, but not as much convenient parking,” Parking-transit supervisor Earl Wall said.
Who are we kidding? These are college students – they’re not exactly showing up early for class. When I was in college, the only time I tried to drive onto campus was when I knew I’d never make the walk fast enough to be on time to class.
I think a lot of universities would save themselves a lot of trouble by putting all of their parking in outlying areas. This way, nobody has any illusion they might find a spot any closer than a 10 to 15 minute walk. It would save a lot of driving around make the permit schedule much simpler.
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