Use your Iphone to Thwart Parking Tickets


Use your Iphone to Thwart Parking Tickets

There’s a new Iphone App out there that tells you where the parking enforcement officers are and if they are about to come up your street. Read all about it here.

I think it works like this – people who have the App spot an officer and input some data. That tells the system where the officer is at that moment. Others with the App can look any time and see where the officers WERE when others happened to see them. I see a lot of problems, ethics having nothing to do with it, yet. So person “A” spots an officers and reports him, and then person “B” spots the same officer a block away, how do we know the difference? But oh well….For $20 why do we care.

My biggest problem is much like the comment made by a reader in Australia – Why spend $20 when you could simply pay the money to park. Of course, if you want to cheat, this is a tool that may help you do so.

This “App” just goes to show that the general public, or a part of it, doesn’t believe that they should pay for parking. Parking should be “FREE”. When the city enforces parking rules, all hell breaks loose.

It seems to me that if a large groups wants to change parking rules, why not simply run candidates on the “Free Parking” ticket and if they win, changes the law. The idea of fighting parking enforcement, to me, is simply ludicrous, not to say illegal and unethical.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. A waste of $20. The percentage of app owners who are willing to post that an officer is nearby will be vanishingly small. Without lots of people posting real-time updates, the app is worthless.

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