A tad of reason. The city of Oak Park, a Chicago suburb, has voted to give free parking to electric vehicles. Here is what the City Manager said:
“This suggestion is, yes, mostly symbolic,” Village Manager Tom Barwin said. “It commits us to some of the goals for the country and the hopes to play our own role to create the next economic platform that will be vital to the success of this country.”
The City’s mayor, in support the measure said that this will bring new business to the village since it shows how progressive the village is in supporting green activities.
However, the minority on the council said this:
But the proposal did not get complete support from the board. Trustees John Hedges and Ray Johnson voted against the proposal. Hedges said he does not believe that those who can afford to pay for the expensive electric cars should have their parking subsidized by people who drive cheaper gas-powered cars. “Being a progressive community I’m concerned about the regressive (nature) of this plan because what we are doing is for those people who can afford to buy electric vehicles, (we are having) everyone else in the community support your parking costs,” Hedges said.
Hmmm – First of all, John Hedges is absolutely right. This is a subsidy for people who don’t need it. Not one car will be purchased because they get free parking in Oak Park. And, I think, to the contrary, most businesses will look at this Go for it John and Ray.