We are boviously missing something here


We are boviously missing something here

Read this from the local Newark, Ohio paper:

All the meters will be removed and parking zones of two hours, three hours and 11 hours will be in place. The time limits are for the day, even if a motorist leaves and returns to another space in the same zone. The two- and three-hour zones will be enforced from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

You can read it all here —

If I understand what is written above — if I come in and park for 15 minutes in a two hour zone, then leave and come back in an hour and stay for 45 minutes, then leave and come back in an hour and stay for 65 minutes, I have overstayed and will be fined.

Now just how are they going to enforce that? There must be some new technology we haven’t heard about yet. And as you are aware — unenforced controls are worse than none at all.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. John: I can enviison how you could enforce this using some of the new MLRP products now available but it would take a great deal of time, effort and expense. A well designed and enforced meter system would be a whole lot easier and surely more cost efficient. Unfortunately cost efficiency seems to frequently get relegated to the back of the bus when a City Council gets involved.

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