What do the leaders of major parking equipment suppliers and leading institutions have to do with a presentation at PIE 2023? Is it possible that we could ask them some questions that would give us more insight into the industry and what we are doing in it?
My goal with the World Parking Forum is to bring CEOs and Institutional leaders from the US, Europe, India, and Australia and move a discussion into all aspects of our industry. Just what might those be?
I have been concerned about the impact of venture capital on the parking industry. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Does the ‘bottom line’ motive that permeates venture capital positively or negatively affect our industry?
I hear daily about ‘rolling up’ the parking business. That means companies buying companies until the number remaining is small, and they are big. Think Silicon Valley. Does the demise of ‘start ups’ positively affect our industry. Is the concept of ‘exit strategy’ that many bring when they start their companies a valid one?
I may ask these leaders to talk about the quality of the products we see produced today. Is the need to ‘get the deal’ pushing prices down to the point that vendors can’t keep their service and quality up where it needs to be?
Just what business are we in? I will ask these CEOs to tell us in a few words just what we are trying to do. When Lee Iacocca was asked what business he was in, his answer was five words: “I’m in the Car Business.” I have been told that some of the companies in our business are bankers, others are app designers, a third might say they are looking to replace staff in garages. But are any of these the business we are in? Come to this seminar and find out what these leaders think.
This opening session at PIE 2023 may just set the theme for what is to come. In addition to the questions above, you will have the opportunity to put your questions to the panel. Pulled punches will not be allowed.
These men and women will be a part of molding the Parking Industry in the decade to come. See if you can translate their words into a roadmap for the future.