A fellow in Omaha got a ticket for parking there on Saturday (He’s not handicapped) and a judge threw it out. Here’s the deal — It’s always a handicapped parking space, but between 8:30 AM and 5PM M-F there is a three hour limit. At other times there is no limit.
But unfortunately that is not what it says. The city says it has changed the signs a number of times in the past few years but has never been able to come up with a solution. They are going to try two signs next. I’m sure that will solve the problem.
How about trying this:
This is always a Disabled Parking Spot
Between 8:30 AM and 5 PM M-F
They can park for 3 hours only.
All other time, the Disabled
can park as long as they like.
One Response
I am sure this was passed to a consultant who said “I’ll look into it”.
He would have had a good look, then did nothing. Which is still delivering 100% on his promise.