I sound like a broken record (All you over 50 know what I mean). I am so frustrated by our betters (sorry Tony) telling us about what we should do, how we should live, and the like, but never taking into account what their rules, laws, ideas, and pronouncements mean, particularly to our pocketbooks.
I don’t want to get into a political argument, but I can’t help it. The Greens have been talking about the end of the world for the past 50 years. They have been listing upcoming natural disasters and none, zero, zip, have come to fruition. Yet, we still move headlong into saving the world with wind farms, solar farms, and the like.
We now have seen the result in Europe. Country after country is pulling out of such energy disasters and looking to return to natural gas, coal and dare I say it, nuclear power. How long do we have to put up with this baloney until we wake up and look out the window and understand what really is happening?
What really bothers me is that we are asking the poorest among us to pay for all these boondoggles through higher costs of goods and services through inflation. This is brought on by planned increases in the cost of energy. Virtually everything we buy is affected by the cost of fuel. The so-called middle class and above may be able to afford it (but not like it) however its those on lower incomes that take it in the shorts.
I’m not making this up. We have been told by our leaders that the increased costs of fuel to heat and cool our homes and drive our cars is done on purpose. Why? To save us from ourselves. See paragraph 2 above. The end result is brownouts in the summer, cold winters, and inflation. What I don’t understand is that no one appears to care.
Elsewhere in my blog Mary Smith tell me I’m bashing EVs. Well, yeah. As I told her, I think that there are some EVs that are the greatest cars ever made. I just think its inappropriate for us to be forced into them. If you want to buy one, go for it. But don’t force me into it through higher fuel costs. And don’t use my taxes to support it. See paragraph four above.
The US is the third largest country on earth. Over the past few decades we have lowered our carbon output substantially while the two largest countries on earth have increased theirs. Between China and India they are causing more pollution than the rest of the world put together. Has anyone asked why they haven’t been tasked with correcting their environmental sins and America been allowed to go on our merry way? Give it a couple of days and I’m pretty sure a number of answers to that question will appear under this blog post.
Our industry is based on the automobile. The privately owned vehicle. Our country is of such a size, that alternatives to POVs are difficult to come by. The use of rapid transit and buses has not increased percentage wise in 70 years. Trillions of dollars have been invested in such transportation and its use has not increased. Why is that?
The first mile, last mile problem is not going to be wished away with uber and scooters. Someone pointed out to me that the main freeway from Atlanta airport to downtown has a high-speed train above it but the traffic on the freeway has not been reduced. People are still driving.
So, our government in its infinite wisdom is attempting to force us into those trains and buses by making its financially impossible not to. Reagan use to say that the most feared phrase in the English language was “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
My frustration is causing this post to meander around and its time for a brilliant conclusion. Except that there is none. We as a people continue to elect the same people time after time and we expect a different result. (Remember what Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over.)
I’m reaching a point where I copy Howard Beale from the movie Network who leaned out his window and yelled: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not taking it anymore.” The problem is that my windows are sealed and won’t open, and if they were able to open, there would be no one to hear me.
PS – the headline comes from a colleague. If we have to work two or three jobs just to survive, basically what is the use?
One Response
You are on a roll. Last few posts have been so spot on; this world is crazy now.
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