A Comment on the previous post:
What’s more environmentally “friendly”?
1. 15 employees each driving to work in their Hybrid cars, or
2. 15 employees carpooling together in 5 SUV’s
It’s not about the vehicle, it’s about the number of miles. I haven’t put more than 10,000 miles on my SUV in any of the past 6 years, and I’ll bet the car lasts me another 8 to 10 years. I’ve got friends in “low” emmisions vehicles putting 20-30,000 miles on their cars every year. They consume more gas, generate more emmissions and create more congestion than I do, but I’m the one accussed of driving the “gas guzzler that’s destroying our environment.”
Perfect — JVH
Just my 2 cents on the whole LEED farce.
2 Responses
The people that establish LEED standards need to have parking professionals on their panel or whatever it is. They obviously don’t have any understanding whatsoever of parking and how it works. What has more positive impact on the environment? EV chargers and reserved spaces or efficient facility design with space detectors and wayfinding technology that reduces emissions by cutting down on circulation and idling time? Or pay on foot machines where people pay while their vehicles are turned off?
I’m not volunteering, but maybe IPI or NPA should look at coordinating a meaningful response to this ridiculousness.
The whole LEED thing is a joke, basically it’s a “feel good” approach that accomplishes very little. A simple thing like carpooling with a fellow employee reduces carbon emissions and energy consumption by 50% for the 2 people participating, and the redictions is compounded with each additional participant. If you start considering the idea of van pools the impact is quite dramatic. A basic concept like that reduces congestion, energy consumption and emmisions while also reducing the associated expenses of all participants. It “rewards” people for saving.
Giving someone a prime parking space just because the drive a certain type of vehicle “rewards” them for purchasing, it has nothing to do with saving anything.