OK, the problem is that kids from the local high school are parking in front of resident’s homes. Sheesh — remember when being near a school was a good thing and raised your property values. Now those kids are parking in front of fire hydrants and leaving trash on lawns and acting like kids. Read about it here.
So what to do? The recommendation is to put in a "maximum" two hour parking rule. This means that the kids will have to come over between classes and move their cars. Of course residents would be exempt.
My solution, as usual, is to charge for parking in the area and give the money back to the residents in the form of better lighting, street scapes, landscaping, parks and the like. If a student can afford to park there, why not let them. Of course, if they are parking at fire hydrants, tow their cars. As for the trash and speeding" it would seem to me that the local constabulary could simply assign a traffic officer with a quota and that problem would go away instantly. What a great way for our youth to learn about capitalism, and respect for the law.
Just my opinion.