The Canadian Parking Foundation’s bi-annual World Parking Symposium is on for 2014. the dates are June 29 to July 3. The meetings will be held at Tel Aviv University.
The WPS is a gathering of a more scholarly bent that hears papers from international parking experts. You may hear about a new project in Rome, or an update on parking controls in Amsterdam or perhaps input on technology from Germany or the US. There probably will be around 150 in attendance. Its well worth the trip.
From my point of view, its also worth the trip because of the venue selected this year, Tel Aviv and Israel are wonderful destinations. No matter your background, you find the country seeped in history, both secular and religious. Whether Christian, Jew, or Muslim, Israel is ground zero for you.
If you want more information, go here. I cannot recommend the trip high enough. Think of it, high level parking discussions, fantastic food and drink, plus a new experience in a new culture. Wow!