Our New Magazine, Parking Technology Today premiers in mid October and I am looking at some early proofs now and it is super. Not only is the writing solid and the articles interesting, but Art Director Shelly Brown and her crew have come up with a new look for the magazine that is simply wonderful.
We are plowing new ground in this issue, as we not only have original work by experts in the parking technology field, but we also have promotional articles (they will be so noted) written by or for some technology based companies. Normally in PT we don’t print such pieces as they are often blatantly self serving. However I have been convinced by some of these companies that such promotion is good for their marketing effort. So be it. if Forbes and Business Week can do it, why can’t we.
We have new headline styles, larger and brighter layouts, and … well, you will see.
When you ask why we don’t go all out with PT on every issue consider that we starting designing and laying out PTT three months ago. This is a long and complex process. We will be lucky if we put two of these out a year. Shelly has brought on a new person to do nothing but PTT, and we are finding such design over 68 pages is very time consuming.
Look for Parking Technology Today in your mail box in about four weeks. Then let me know what you think.