


We see this from time to time. There is a major event. Someone finds an empty lot and sets up a sign, collects money for parking, and then leaves. Unfortunately the lot is a “tow away” no parking lot and the cars are towed. In this case they caught the perps, two women, who made $230 bucks in one evening. They said they needed the money for groceries. They are in the slammer for a felony.

I’m guessing but probably there is a need for some parking for this event. My guess is also that the land owner would have probably liked to have been cut in on the deal. However I also guess that restrictions in the area make event parking on the property prohibitive. There is insurance, liability, probably regulations requiring licenses from the city and I’m certain it has to be properly lighted, secured, and paved. So the space goes unused, and a couple of enterprising women go to jail. (Well, they did, after all, steal the property for a while from the owner.)

I understand the need for all these regulations, but what if, what if, the city had a “special permit” that could be easily purchased for such events and what if, they had someone who could go by the lot and see if the lighting and ground meets minimum standards and let em have at it. The land would get some usage, the ladies would have a little extra change, and all would be right with the world.

Comments, operators?


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. I think it’s unfortunate that these women stole $230 dollars will do jail time while the white collar professionals who essentially steal investor money, sell us cigarettes that kill us, or expose themselves to our college students get to walk away as millionaires and send their kids to the best schools while DFS takes these women’s kids away and shoves them in whatever hellhole will take them until they become so jaded they end up in jail, too.

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