The Intertraffic/PIE show to be held at the end of September is going to be the biggest parking bash every in North America — Read all about it here
I have missed blogging the past couple of days because Dawn, Sandra and I have been in meetings with our partners from Washington DC and Amsterdam.
First of all, the parking portion of the event is sold out — we have 90 parking companies companies exhibiting and a waiting list of 20 more. (Call Dawn today to get on the list) The traffic side has nearly 100 companies exhibiting and has room for up to 70 more.
The projections are even better — over 1200 parking pros are expected and over 2000 traffic and transportation folks.
Plus, the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (our co sponsors) have invited the Secretary of Transportation to Speak — and we, through the good offices of Peter Little at the Parking Authority of Baltimore City have scheduled the city’s Mayor.
The programs are coming together, too. We have a complete seminar on Don Shoup’s new book the "High Cost of Free Parking" and have an advanced parking seminar scheduled on funding, appraising, and selling parking structures, on both the private and public sides. And they are in addition to 25 others spread over three days.
Look for three separate tours on different days, one of Baltimore’s new pay on foot systems in eight of their garages, and their new on street testing project (Pay and Display), one on the University of Maryland, Baltimore, featuring their urban campus, five parking structures, and on line revenue control and validations system (with what, 500 validation programs) — Robert Milner says he sits at home on weekends and watches transactions from his revenue control system on his home PC; and then there’s the tour of Baltimore Washington International Airport with their new garages, pay on foot systems, and automated car guidance systems.
The organization is sponsoring a gala party on Tuesday evening for exhibitors and guests. And remember, the exhibit floor will be open all three days.
This is going to be something new and different for the parking industry in the US. Plan to join us.