Yes, Dan, It’s for real


Yes, Dan, It’s for real

Reader Dan is concerned about this article, in USA Today.

It says that a shopping mall in a provincial capital in China is opening a parking lot, solely for women. It will have wider spaces, more lighting, female parking guides and “Cute cartoon pictures” just for women. The local mall says that insurance data (Chinese, I believe) shows that women cause 50% more finder benders and other accidents in garages than do their male counterparts.

I have seen parking spaces reserved for pregnant women and women with a herd of small children and think that if the mall or store wants to attract these shoppers, more power to them. If the ease of parking close in helps a soon to be mom or a mom with lots of little ones, and entices them to shop there, what a great marketing plan.

I will say, however, that having entire garages for women should set the NOW folks on fire. Are the Chinese admitting that women don’t drive as well as men? I would think that this approach should be done at one’s peril.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. Are their data weighted to take into account the percentage of mall parkers that are women? If a high percentage of those who park there are female, it wouldnt be surprising that women also have more accidents.
    Also: “Are the Chinese admitting that women don’t drive as well as men?” You don’t really mean “admitting,” do you? Maybe “implying,” “claiming,” or “alleging”?

  2. The above post proves my last graph. However I’m not certain that having garages more well lit, with wider spaces and with a larger turning radius on each isle, and folks directing traffic at peak times is a bad idea, gender aside.
    If you have ever tried to park in a typical European or Asian parking structure built in the last 30 years you will find that you enter at your peril. They are dark, dirty, and tiny.

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