Well, maybe in the New York Post — The entire article is here.
The gist is that climate weenies like Leo DiCaprio are railing against “climate change” and making movies and leading seminars about the impending destruction of the planet. The problem is that he is not a scientist, and is simply wrong. Here is the meat of the article:
And the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change lists thousands of scientific papers that either debunk or cast serious doubt on the supposed “consensus” model.
Oregon-based physicist Gordon Fulks sums it up well: “CO2 is said to be responsible for global warming that is not occurring, for accelerated sea-level rise that is not occurring, for net glacial and sea ice melt that is not occurring . . . and for increasing extreme weather that is not occurring.”
- According to NASA satellites and all ground-based temperature measurements, global warming ceased in the late 1990s. This when CO2 levels have risen almost 10 percent since 1997. The post-1997 CO2 emissions represent an astonishing 30 percent of all human-related emissions since the Industrial Revolution began. That we’ve seen no warming contradicts all CO2-based climate models upon which global-warming concerns are founded.
- Rates of sea-level rise remain small and are even slowing, over recent decades averaging about 1 millimeter per year as measured by tide gauges and 2 to 3 mm/year as inferred from “adjusted” satellite data. Again, this is far less than what the alarmists suggested.
- Satellites also show that a greater area of Antarctic sea ice exists now than any time since space-based measurements began in 1979. In other words, the ice caps aren’t melting.
- A 2012 IPCC report concluded that there has been no significant increase in either the frequency or intensity of extreme weather events in the modern era. The NIPCC 2013 report concluded the same. Yes, Hurricane Sandy was devastating — but it’s not part of any new trend.
The climate scare, Fulks sighs, has “become a sort of societal pathogen that virulently spreads misinformation in tiny packages like a virus.” He’s right — and DiCaprio’s film is just another vector for spreading the virus.
If you want to ensure a tummy full of acid, read the article and note the amount of money that is being wasted by the government on projects that are failing, and according to Bjorn Lomborg, who actually signs on to some of the global warming hysteria, will make no difference anyway.
Lomborg has been railing about this for years. If we were to take the trillions being spent by governments on projects that will make no difference, and invest it in clean water, healthy food, electrification and sewage abatement in the third world, millions of lives would be changed, forever, for the better.
But that doesn’t give Leo his “good optics.”