marketing minute

The Neighborhood Dog

Jeff Pinyot My 26-year-old daughter, Caroline, (she’s single guys, and beautiful) has introduced us to something I vowed would never happen in my life. It’s

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A Window into the Heart

September, 2023 Jeff Pinyot   When I hear the word “legacy”, my mind wanders in 1,000 different directions. I’m a fan of tennis so it

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The Big Talent Show

With another High School reunion coming up this year for me, I was mentally reliving a few memorable moments and lessons learned during my growing

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Plenty of Bright Spots

What a week. I didn’t follow NCAA basketball much this year despite a surprisingly good season by my Pittsburgh Panthers. Picked to finish last in

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How to be Immortal

My editor reached out to me today and asked for next month’s submission. This guy is a slave driver, keeping his columnists busy all the

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Lessons From Sports

As part of Steelers Nation, every time I fly and travel through airports, I see how Steelers Nation represents. Have you ever noticed how many

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The Mantle

Recently I’ve heard from a couple of readers who have been wondering why a column like “Marketing Minute,” that has nothing to do with parking,

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Bright (on Netflix) is a creative movie that focuses on the relationship between two cops: Ward, a human played by Will Smith (he’s never made

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Skin in the Game

I love to write about my children. Recently I wrote about my son JP, about to graduate from Purdue University. Today, it’s Justin who’s on my

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Marco Polo

We don’t have a swimming pool. That’s not really a big deal, except when it’s 90+ degrees on a hot, muggy and sweltering Indiana summer

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The Myth of More

Arriving at Lake Tahoe for dinner with a client the other evening, our carload of six descended into Incline Village, an affluent community on the

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Airport Madness

Will we ever return to normal again? Who’s to say that we were ever normal anyway? When we expect a nation, governed by flawed people

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What the World Needs Now

After what seems like forever, I made my way to Pittsburgh to see the family and most importantly, my father Ernie. Dad is a newlywed

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Proud of Betsy

When they settled the estate of my Fifth Great Grandmother, there was no money to be shared among the descendants. All we have left to

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The Shack

“Mack” and three of his children went on a camping trip to Wallowa Lake. Stopping on the way at Multnomah Falls, the unthinkable happened. While

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Sports Mimic Life

One more to go and then the house empties out. I’ll believe that when I see it. Justin is our last at home. Our 6’4”

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The Family Reunion

It was June 1, 1979. The Pittsburgh Pirates were climbing out of fourth place in the National League East. Having won the last five games

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Living Cicada Loca!

I guess if you just spent 17 years underground, you would have big bulging red eyes as well. Imagine living 17 years as a larva, in

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Google Has it Right!

I’m back to traveling again for business. I have often written the Marketing Minutes while in flight, but it’s been a while since that has

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The Lido Shuffle!

A friend of mine at Trane, where I spent 24 years of my professional life, was a bass player for the musician Boz Scaggs before he

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Karr, a French novelist from the late 1800s is credited with this quote. I guess this is kind of like looking at life through “rose

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It’s a Jeep Thing!

I was never interested in joining a fraternity during my days at Pitt. Greek Life wasn’t big at Pitt and we had Dan Marino quarterbacking one

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Puzzle Pieces

I like to puzzle. Often during holidays, our family will put up a card table and put a difficult jigsaw puzzle out to complete over the

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The Cipher

If I say, “I’ll be there for you”, you think…Friends, the hugely popular TV sitcom. If I say, “You want to go where everybody knows

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Free Lemonade for Life

Years ago, when my children were young, like most children, they had a fascination for lemonade stands and the childish entrance into the enticing world

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Clickety Clack

Before the invention of the telegraph, getting an important message across any sort of distance took days, weeks, and even months. The first telegraph message

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Burundi Ball

I’m about to butcher this true story, but it’s impossible to fact check, so go with me on this. The events are true, the moral

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Ask a Millennial!

I hit yet another big milestone last week in birthdays. It’s no big deal to me, personally, but sometimes I wonder when my age will limit

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I Love You All Equally

Growing up middle class in Pittsburgh had us living in a pretty small house for a Catholic family of seven. I am the youngest of

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(Under)Water Skiing

A few years ago, after a parking trade show in Denver, Dave Packard and I realized that we had made an error with our flights. The

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Uber Good Business

I love Uber. I’ve never even tried Lyft. I’m also Uber about small business. I’m Uber excited about supporting risk takers and hard workers. You can

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Travel Bar-B-Q

My fourth son, Justin is a great soccer player. We are doing something that we said we would never do: Travel Soccer. We are one

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Hope and Change

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited for this saying, “Change is the only constant in life”. As a father of four, change is all I

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Ham, Done Mom’s Way

I think it’s safe to say that we are all creatures of habit. We do things that we are comfortable doing and we do them in

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Taking on Goliath

It happened, we lost! Holy Cow, 10-12, we lost to a school we beat 55-0 last year. In the infinite wisdom of our Heritage Christian

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Good Morning, Dad!

I have children, or better yet, I have young adults. That doesn’t win me any awards or earn me a PHD. I am the first to

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The Family Circus

Something happened to me years ago. I went to bed one night one way, and woke up the next morning a different person, a different

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Selling Salt

Our town of Fishers, which has recently become a city, mayor and all, has the best Farmers Market. (We also now have an Ikea and

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e-FISH-ent Leadership!

People are often surprised that I sometimes take on controversial subjects and am not afraid to challenge someone. My response is this: If you read

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I was sharing with one of my colleagues today about something I did with the high school lacrosse team that I coached for many years. Annually,

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It’s About the Tunnel

I’m at that age … over 50. Bob Buford wrote a book called “Halftime.” He describes someone’s life as the First Half and the Second

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Name tags not required

When did the word “vendor” take on a negative connotation? As vendors, at parking conventions we wear name tags different from the regular attendees’. We

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The 2017 Parking Industry Exhibition (PIE) is coming next month, and I thought it appropriate to give a shout-out to John Van Horn and his

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Mama’s Boy

My 88-year-old mother and I drove to Chicago together the other day. Well, not really, but kind of really. I was in my car on

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Delta Sky Club

If you know me, I don’t know a stranger. It’s kind of my calling card. Over the years, I’ve encountered many famous people in airports

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The Shoeshine!

 Almost every time I travel through our nation’s airports, I look to get a shoeshine. I value the tradition that these men continue, a glimpse

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A Disease Named After Him

 I’m finding myself surrounded by sadness recently. Profound sadness. When time is running out, we often wish we had done things differently. Case in point

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People Define You

 People define who you are. You really are whom you hang out with and call friends.  For decades, throughout my career, I’ve sought to do

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Not My Finest Moment!

 The atmosphere last night was electric, the evening air was crisp, and the lights on the field were still warming up as the sun left

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The Front Porch

 I live in a pretty pathetic neighborhood as far as neighborly relationships go. It’s not what I had hoped for when Ruth and I built

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Success, No Surprise!

 I am excited to return to writing my monthly column, The Marketing Minute. Thank you PT for giving me the opportunity to share my twisted

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Sprinkle Kindness

In Marketing Minute, I attempt to share a story or thought from my sales, marketing, parenting, etc. experiences. But – “Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!”

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